June 16, 2011

Kanker Payudara dan Cara Pemeriksaan

Ciri Benjolan Kanker Payudara dan Cara Pemeriksaannya
Kanker payudara menjadi penyakit yang menyeramkan, karena kanker payudara menjadi kanker yang dapat menyebabkan kematian. Sel ganas yang tumbuh pada jaringan payudara merupakan cikal bakal kanker payudara. Pada umumnya jaringan payudara yang terkena kanker diawali dengan tumbuhnya benjolan. Bagi wanita harus menyadari akan benjolan yang timbul di area payudara. Berikut ini informasi selengkapnya.

Ciri-ciri Benjolan Kanker Payudara
  • Letak benjolan kanker payudara yang sering ditemukan adalah pada bagian luar atas yaitu disekitar area lengan dan ketiak. pada awalnya dapat dirasakan dengan adanya benjolan dan rasa nyeri. Hal ini dapat dirasakan seperti berikut
  • Ketika diraba, pada payudara terasa ada benjolan
  • Benjolan yang disebabkan karena pertumbuhan sel kanker payudara akan terasa keras dan juga padat ketika diraba serta ada pula yang menimbulkan rasa gatal namun ada yang sama sekali tidak menimbulkan rasa gatal.
  • Akan terjadi perubahan yang signifikan terhadap bentuk serta ukuran payudara.
  • Di bagian sekitar puting susu akan adanya luka yang sukar untuk sembuh, puting akan tertarik ke dalam, yang menimbulkan rasa gatal disebabkan karena terjadinya penebalan kulit.
  • Keluarnya darah atau nanah yang berwarna kekuningan dari puting susu
  • Pada kulit payudara mulai terjadi perubahan, yaitu kulit akan berkerut dan warnanya cenderung kemerahan ataupun berubah menjadi keriput seiring semakin banyaknya sel kanker payudara yang telah menyebar (seperti kulit jeruk purut)
  • Akan terasa nyeri pada bagian tulang, terjadinya penurunan berat badan dan pembengkakan pada bagian lengan. Yang menandakan bahwa kanker sudah menyebar

Pemeriksaan radiologi
Pemeriksaan radiologi diperuntukkan untuk melihat sebagaimana titik-titik yang dicurigai merupakan cikal-bakal pertumbuhan sel kanker. Serta juga pada pemeriksaan ini diperuntukkan melihat secara detail antara tumor dan juga sel kanker.
Core Biopsy
Pengambilan sel jaringan pada payudara dengan menggunakan jarum suntik untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya kemungkinan sel-sel kanker yang mencurigakan
Faktor Penyebab Kanker Payudara
Pemeriksaan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tentang perubahan yang terjadi pada payudara, serta mengetahui adanya faktor risiko yang dapat menyebabkan pertumbuhan sel kanker payudara.

June 15, 2011

Myths About Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a scourge that is very scary. Understandably, in world this cancer became the number two killer of women after cervical cancer (cervical cancer). In fact, according to World Health Organization (WHO), breast cancer each year claimed 519 lives worldwide.

Exact cause is unclear until now. Even so, a number of studies show early detection and healthy lifestyle can prevent breast cancer. Because every woman at risk of developing breast cancer, we need to recognize and understand this disease. Here are some myths and facts about breast cancer.

Lump = Signs Cancer
: 80 percent of breast lumps are benign and not cancerous. However, if you find a lump in the breast, you should consult a doctor and do the mammogram if your doctor recommends. To be safe, nor fair lump in the breast is considered cancer until proven not.

: A Disease Heredity
Fact: According to the oncologist who is also founder of breastcancer.org, women with a family history of breast cancer risk is greater. That is why it is important to know the history of breast cancer from the father or mother. However, other factors, such as alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, and diet can also affect the likelihood of a woman suffering from this cancer.

Myth: Young Women More at Risk

Fact: Although the start was found in women age 18 years. Women aged 40-50 years over the greatest risk of this cancer.

Fatal Impact
: The breast cancer itself is not fatal, but if the cancer spreads to other body parts until the node spleen, lungs, bones and even blood, it can increase the risk of death. So important is early detection and treatment for cancer has not spread.

: Mastectomy is the best way to cure breast cancer
: Very few women who are diagnosed with breast cancer have a mastectomy (removal of one or both breasts). In fact, most women who do not need a mastectomy. The reason, 75 percent of women with breast cancer, each year will only depend on chemotherapy, radiation, and lumpectomy (surgical removal of clot from the affected breast cancer).

June 6, 2011

What to Look For When Checking for Breast Self

Millions of women in the world positive breast cancer and largely too late to realize it. Before the late notice, immediately do the examination early with BSE.

Someone that has no risk factors can still develop breast cancer. Screening and early detection is the right tool to reduce the risk of death caused by this disease.

Only a few risk factors that can be done to prevent breast cancer, such as avoiding hormone replacement therapy for long-term, having a child before age 30, breastfeeding, avoiding overweight with doing exercise and proper diet, and limiting alcohol consumption. There is data that suggests that vitamin A, C, and E can protect against breast cancer, but further research is needed to prove it. Currently, the most important for every woman is to lower the risk by doing a screening mammogram on a regular basis, doing breast self-exam, and see a doctor regularly.

Breast self examination (BSE) is one way to detect abnormalities in the breast. BSE can do yourself at home each month after the menstrual cycle. Make a benchmark date for the conduct BSE tests on the dates that you will remember, such as pay bills.

What must be realized while doing BSE?
1. Palpable lump.
2. Thickening of the skin.
3. Changes in size and shape of the breast.
4. Skin shrinkage.
5. Discharge from the nipple when not nursing.
6. There is pain in the breast without any obvious cause.
7. Swelling of the upper arm.
8. Palpable lump in the armpit or neck.

If abnormalities are found as described above, or feel no change compared to the situation in the previous month, then immediately consult a doctor for further examination.

Risk factors for breast cancer:
1. First got my period at age less than 10 years.
2. Experiencing menopause (menopause) after the age of 50 years.
3. Not married.
4. It never bear children.
5. First child after age 35 years.
6. Never breastfed children.
7. Have had breast surgery are caused by abnormal benign or malignant breast tumors.
8. Having a family member suffering from cancer.

June 1, 2011

Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is malignant neoplasm of the cervix uteri or cervical area. It may present with vaginal bleeding, but symptoms may be absent until the cancer is in its advanced stages. Treatment consists of surgery (including local excision) in early stages and chemotherapy and radiotherapy in advanced stages of the disease.

Pap smear screening can identify potentially precancerous changes. Treatment of high grade changes can prevent the development of cancer. In developed countries, the widespread use of cervical screening programs has reduced the incidence of invasive cervical cancer by 50% or more.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is a necessary factor in the development of almost all cases of cervical cancer.HPV vaccines effective against the two strains of HPV that currently cause approximately 70% of cervical cancer have been licensed in the U.S, Canada, Australia and the EU. Since the vaccines only cover some of the cancer causing ("high-risk") types of HPV, women should seek regular Pap smear screening, even after vaccination

The cervix is the narrow portion of the uterus where it joins with the top of the vagina. Most cervical cancers are squamous cell carcinomas, arising in the squamous (flattened) epithelial cells that line the cervix. Adenocarcinoma, arising in glandular epithelial cells is the second most common type. Very rarely, cancer can arise in other types of cells in the cervix.